The X-factor
How often have we looked at a person admiringly and said that he/she has the X-factor? This is the inexplicable quality that sets a person apart from the others. That one quality that makes him/her a star.
The X-factor has been defined as ‘a noteworthy special talent or quality.’ Or a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome.
Very often, as soon as a person enters a room, he/she draws the attention of everyone present. It is as if the person has some magnetic pull that draws people.
It may not be necessary that a person has to be extremely attractive physically to have the X factor, although many times that could be one of the reasons. Even an average looking person may sometimes have the much desired qualities like openness, warmth and vivacity that they convey through their body language, tone and gestures. This person may then be said to have the X-factor.
The word X-factor originated in the U.K. and then went on to become famous, world over.
In business too, some people are said to have this quality. In an extremely competitive world, people with this quality deliver better than their counterparts. It may be in the form of the services that they give consistently or their products or the packaging may be a notch above the others giving their customers the satisfaction that they so desire. Goes without saying, that they ace the game every time.
Even people who are extremely successful in their fields and yet have the quality of empathizing with others, endear themselves to people and are said to have the X factor. For example, philanthropists who do so much for others or the friendly doctor who cures half your illness with his gentle touch and friendly advice are all people with the X-factor. It all comes down to attitude. If you’re one of those who has this much coveted quality, cheers to you!! Keep it going. Ciao!!
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