The human race is strong and resilient. It is for this reason that it has stood the test of time, time and again.
This is not the first time that human beings have been struck by something unfortunate. Wars, disease, tsunamis, draughts……. human beings have faced it all and each time they have risen like a phoenix.
Today, the corona virus is a pandemic of immense magnitude. The world is facing an enemy that is not even visible to the human eye.
Its effects are such that lockdowns have been declared, and we are all cooped up in our homes. Suddenly, the days when we could roam around freely, shopping, dining out, socializing, meeting friends seem to be a distant dream.
Our doctors, nurses, cleaners, social workers are holding fort and trying their best to protect us. In the process, many are themselves losing their lives. But the battle goes on.
The effects of all this on the economy is unimaginable. People have stopped eating out, shopping, travelling …… there is hardly any movement in the economy. All that is selling is essentials, food and products like masks and sanitizers that can be used to protect ourselves.
The world has faced two world wars. In 1918, the Spanish flu had made an appearance. Thereafter too, so many natural and manmade disasters have wrecked the world. Terrorism has victimized so many innocent people.
What has remained steady through all this is the inherent strength of humans that makes us live and survive. I hope this strength and resilience holds us in good stead this time around too and helps us emerge, more aware, more compassionate and stronger than ever before. Ciao!!
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