
Do you remember the cardboard cylinder from your childhood days? The one that was filled with small pieces of glasses in myriad hues?
And each time you turned the cylinder, a new pattern was formed. And the beauty of it was that every time, a new pattern was created, completely different form the previous one.
These days, with the disruption caused to our lives by the now famous ‘corona virus’, the mind is in a rather reflective mood.
And in this reflective mood, one compares life to a Kaleidoscope.
We would all agree that life is made up of different aspects or metaphorically speaking, pieces of glass.
Some of us get more of the bright pieces, while some get more of the dull ones. Why this happens, is still a mystery. Some call it destiny, some Karma; some call the bright pieces God’s blessings, and dull ones, his wrath. Why each person gets what he does, is unknown.
However, one has to form the pattern of one’s life with the pieces he/she has received. Now imagine, if a child does not take the kaleidoscope in his/her hand and doesn’t turn it, what will happen?
Obviously, the pieces of glass will remain just that and no beautiful pattern will be formed.
Similarly, if we as humans do not accept the bright and dull pieces and try to string them together into something beautiful, what a sad waste of life it will be.
Today, we are all cooped up in our homes. All those activities that entertained us have come to a standstill. Man, being a social animal, social distancing is one of the most difficult things to deal with.
At least for now, our carefree days of roaming around, going for drives, dinners, movies, parties etc. have come to a grinding halt.
Of course, we have come up with innovative ideas to entertain ourselves at home. We watch films, T.V.shows, join online courses, workout at home and some of us write blogs.
 Surely, life doesn’t look exceptionally bright.
But a good look around us will only help us count our blessings. We are safely encased in our homes, where as our brave doctors, nurses, policemen, cleaners etc. are out there fighting this battle for us.
The people, whose life depends on their daily wage, are left high and dry and are trying to figure out some or the other means of getting by.
So many poor people have migrated to their villages, to ensure that they get food at least.
Our government is trying every measure to help people cope with a pandemic of this magnitude.
Yet, has anybody given up moving the kaleidoscope? Has anyone stopped forming the patterns in the hope of the emergence of a beautiful one? The answer is ‘no’.
As long as there is hope, there is life.
So let life dole out its bright and not so bright pieces of glass, and let us continue trying to make the best patterns out of it.
Stay Safe and all the best!! Ciao!!


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