
When you look into the mirror, what you see is your image.

What others perceive you to be is also your ‘image’.

Essentially, image is ‘you’ in the minds of people.

Let’s take some well-known personalities for instance. When we speak about our respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the image of a very disciplined and powerful person comes to mind.

Similarly, when we think of Sadhguru, the image of a spiritually evolved and intelligent person comes to mind. The list is endless. Even amongst our peers, we generally have a certain image or impression about people and generally tend to stick to our beliefs about them.

That’s the reason it is said that it’s very important to create the right first impression, because people like to believe that what they first thought when they met a particular person is actually the truth.

Such impressions are generally very difficult to change. It has been aptly said, “In life you do not get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Especially in a situation like maybe a job interview or selection process, creating a positive image of oneself is almost mandatory. One will surely not get a second chance to apply to the same organization.

So, how does one create a winning image of oneself?

The basic components of a winning image are –

Dressing, Grooming, Body Language, Communication and Etiquette.

Let’s discuss these-

1)    Dressing- Superficial as it may sound; it is true that ‘Clothes maketh a man’. A book IS judged by its cover. The 4 A’s of good dressing are-Appropriateness, Authenticity, Attractiveness and Affordability.

When one dresses as per the occasion, wearing clothes that suit his/her body shape, without compromising on his authenticity and keeping the pricing in mind, he/she has aced in the ‘dressing well’ department.

By dressing one does not mean just clothing. It also includes accessories like watches, shoes, handbags, jewelry, sunglasses and more.

When all these things are in sync, they help create a ‘killer’ image.

2)    Grooming- A well groomed person, beats the odds. A person with well-kept hair and nails, neat clothes, good oral hygiene and no body odor comes across as well turned out and attracts people to him.

3)    Body Language- Your body gives out signals without you even realizing it. A person with a sunny disposition, pleasant smile, and warm handshake looks more approachable and attracts people whereas; a person whose body mirrors arrogance or indifference deters people from approaching him/her.

4)    Communication- A good orator can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. The right choice of words, correct pronunciation, tone, diction, pauses…….. All go on to make one a good speaker and contributes to his/her positive image. It’s not what one says, but how he says it, that matters.

5)    Etiquette- Prescribed code of social behavior. Man does not live in isolation. Being a social creature, he does not have the freedom to behave just the way he wants to. Politeness, kindness, empathy, all form the basis of good behavior which in turn creates the image of a well-mannered person.

So friends, let’s follow the above and create that elusive winning image of ourselves. Ciao!!


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