
The kinship between Krishna and his friend Sudama is legendary. Also his friendship with Draupadi is well known. They referred to each other as ‘sakha’ and ‘sakhi’ respectively, which in Hindi means ‘friend’. Since time immemorial, one of the most sublime relationships between people is friendship. It is said, that friends are the family we choose. I’d like to point here, that it’s not as if every friendship is an extremely close one where the people involved can pour their hearts out, or confide their dark secrets to one another. We all have great friends, who we may not confide in, but can still have a great time with. We can party, socialize and click selfies with them, but they may not our 4 am friends. These are friends who make us laugh when we are low, and lift our spirits. Which is great too. As it has been aptly said…….Har ek friend zaroori hota hai !!

Then we have a few very close friends. Our ‘core’ group, so to say. They are so called for a reason. Whenever, one is struck by a disease or infection, he recovers fast if his/her core is strong. Likewise, when one is faced with difficulties and problems in life, it is his/her core group of friends that helps him/her sail through. The help may be financial, emotional or even physically giving a tight hug to a friend may give him/her the strength to cope.
Which now brings us to the question that how is it that people become close to those who are in no way related to them by blood? How do these amazing friendships actually happen?

While one can’t actually scientifically dissect such a wonderful phenomenon, a few factors do come to mind.One of the prime factors for people to get close is that they ‘get’ each other.The human psyche is truly complicated. So, if your friend ‘understands’ the way you think or where you’re coming from, it can be the beginning of a great and close relationship. Some friends are so close, that they actually complete each other’s sentences. Such is the telepathy, that one look at a friend’s face, and the other can tell what is going on in his/her mind.Even silence can be easily understood between close friends.

Another major factor that strengthens the bond is ‘trust’. Life throws various challenges at us from time to time. Broken relationships, lost jobs, ailing family members, financial losses ……… the list goes on. At such times, all we may need is perspective and the encouragement to move ahead. Only when one trusts someone implicitly, can one open up knowing that such delicate information will not be passed on.

A true friend is also said to be a mirror that helps one to see one self in a clear light.
So many times, we refuse to acknowledge things about ourselves and it takes a true friend to show us the mirror.Friendship can bloom between the old and the young, man and woman, even between a man and a dog. Those who find a friend who truly cares, is fortunate. I hope that each of us here receives this gift at least once in a lifetime!! Ciao!!


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